
The technical production means is low, because the piece operates on an app that is readily available, usuable on any type of smart phone. Further, the app is easy to understand how to use it and is open enough in its design that it can be used creatively.

The applications works on all types of phones so that anyone participating are able to use their own one and the organizer do not necessarily have to provide phones for a performance of the work.

Materials for Performance: 

  • 2 sets of 12 gongs tuned chromatically
  •  12 gong mallets of medium density
  •  12 wrist supports for mobile phone
  •  12 Gong Pouches 
  •  1 Table (+/- 750 cm by 200 cm)

The instruments used consists of two sets of chromatic hand held gongs which can either be provided by the composer or purchased by the organizer.  Although gongs of this type are of good quality, they can still be purchased inexpensively.

Along with a wrist support to hold the phone and a gong mallet, the gongs are made available as sets of two with one set for each of 3 to 12 performers. The gong that is not being used is stored in a pouch that fits around the performers waist.

The table is used to set all of the material needed for the performance so that performers can pick everything up drop everything off easily. Instructions are available on the table and participants can ask questions and get demonstration from the table attendant.

Table Set Up for a Performance of GongPong.SAT